Candescent Photography


Monday's Muse: Straighten up, or not;)

What do I love more than my photography?  Looking at other people's photography.  Seriously.  I honestly tire of my "work" easily, which is good for my clients.  Keep it fresh.  I "follow" ::cough, cough:: stalk a nice collection of photographers.  Most of my collection are beyond amazing, but some I keep around to keep me in check.  A bit why beautiful people have less than attractive friends. 

Last week I discussed the laziness I find in some black in white pictures which I am guilty of too.  This week I want to talk about "crooked" pictures.  If my husband notices an angled shot, "it's crooked" condemning it to be thrown to the wayside.  He is an engineer, very black and white.  I love him in his gray scale creativity:)  But, he is under the notion every. single. shot. needs to be straight.    

Not so!  Take the image above.  It is hands down one of my favorite shots ever.  I was photographing her new baby brother in the tiny church at Silver Dollar City (google it, go to it, love it if you have not) where her parents actually got married!  This shot was stuck in my head weeks before the shoot.  I asked if she would lay on the pew.  At first she didn't, so I went on shooting the new baby.  We notice she did a perfect model pose....snap! I got it!  The great thing with nice cameras is that they are fast.  I did take the first shot angled (it is not post processed that way), after I took the below image.  Isn't it a bit boring?  Straight.   Sometimes I take a boring image and angle it to make it more interesting.  

My whole point is.  When you come across a photographer that makes every image angled, you wonder where the creativity is?  That is my muse for this fine Monday:)  Please feel free to comment!

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